Tuesday, July 14, 2009

The "Quarter-life crisis" - Part 2

I've recently graduated and plunged into the big ugly world of job-hunting. So far, there is Option A. Actually, it's more like a compulsion now. There are several reasons, but most importantly it's because I'm too egoistic to ask my parents for money and flew back to Bangalore so very haughtily, believing that I'm good enough to be a writer. If this does not work out, I'm back to square one of job-hunting. Except this time, I will be alone, impoverished and slightly demotivated.

Why, what about option B?

Well, there is no immediate Option B. There are signs of it somewhere behind the fog and it will eventually come to the clearing, but starving till it does seems to be a poor substitute for Option B.

Anyway, I've (once again) realised that there is too much to do and too little time. A career, post graduation, learning French, traveling, a house for dad's 60th, a house of my own, a parallel career in editing, becoming a fairly published online writer, an advertising agency/publishing house of my own, love, marriage, children, pets, voluntary work, an "experience" with a Brit/Irish man...
There are just too many things!

I feel once again like I did every time I looked at my 10th grade Math text and said to myself: "Jan, you're just too young to face so many problems. A book full of it, too!"

1 comment:

J. S. Clawson said...

All of these experiences collectively improve our writing, whether it be a novel or a poem or a short story. These experiences give our characters life, gives our poems emotions. Hang in there, it will come together, even if it means travelling a parallel path to your dream! :0)